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Immunity has a new web site design and is now offering education... including a course in "Unethical Hacking". If I can find the funds, I'd like to acquire a copy of Canvas for us to use in the next round of IST 246 this fall.


Red Hat Acquires EAL2 Common Criteria Certification from Ron

This is very scary... from the BSDsnob

NetStumbler 0.4 Released! This has been in the works for a long time. Thanks to John for the Link!


Oinkmaster is a perl script for automatically updating snort rules.

Linux Kernel Buffer Overflow in ISO 9660 File System(ouch): Beware Strange CDROM's

InfoWar Games: A position on the NSA Red Team would be awesome. In this exercise, they get to act with impunity overnight while the cadets sleep. That isn't even fair. Apparently the cadets won the first two years. This article points out that the software they use runs on Linux ; - )...

HP JetAdmin Remote Root for Solaris, Linux and Windows

Some believe that the Convention on Cybercrime will bring an end to the Free Internet.... of course, it never was really free.

Regulation is driving change in information handling practices. Vendors will not secure their products based upon market forces alone. BASEL II is an international banking agreement that is pushing change. Here is a blurb about it from the highly respected Dan Geer.

Dan Geer was canned by @stake for authoring (with many others) a paper critical of Microsoft's security efforts... here's even more. Here is a bio from his nomination to the FTC. Dan was manager of project Athena at MIT from 85-90... you know... the project that brought us a few little things like X-Windows and Kerberos... nothing big ; - )... If you want, read the report:Cyberinsecurity: The Cost of Monopoly. Speak of the devil... Protect Your Systems Against Exploit Code Related to Security Bulletin MS04-011. What code? The SSL PCT Exploit and LSAsrv.dll RPC Exploit previously featured.


Interested in reverse engineering malware? provides access to a large number of resources.


Windows Lsasrv.dll RPC buffer overflow Remote Exploit (MS04-011)
Metasploit Module for MS04-011 IIS 5.0 SSL

A major problem with M$ deciding to roll about 14 issues into one patch is that we are going to see a LOT of different exploits targeting a multiple M$ services.... NetBIOS, RPC, SSL, HTTP, Authentication systems, etc. How many MS04-011 Snort rules will you need to detect exploitation? Who knows.

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