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Netsec, comsec, infosec and IA news, research and trends



Steve Bellovin Presentation - Realistic Security I like the pictures of the "firewalls".


Achilles from Brian (two posts down)
Brian: Google is your friend

FTC Report Outlines, among other things, the Good and the Bad of Offering Rewards for Turning in Spammers

State Of The Union: Opposing the Patriot Act from Clyde

Symantec to Acquire @Stake: Dave Aitel of ImmunitySec comments: "...Symantec bought @stake. NAI bought Foundstone, INS bought Global Integrity. Microsoft bought LSD. The era of consolodation is upon us."


SC Magazine: Free Subscriptions

A Common Language for Computer Security Incidents by John D. Howard, Thomas A. Longstaff

The Google Hacker's Guide v1.0 from Coming soon: Google Hacking for Penetration Testers

Banner Grabbers: Mothra, Amap and Superscan

IBM Workstations and Laptops Running XP Have No Password By Default on the Administrator Account and Does Not Prompt the User to Change or Set One as M$ Policy Dictates for OEM's

In Similar News, IBM Plans to Store Password and Other Autheticators in a Trusted Hardware Chip. Where will the passwords that do not exist by default be stored? ; - P

Multiple Vulnerabilities in All Mozilla Versions (Ouch)

Worm (SDBOT-UH) Carries Sniffer Payload - from Lance


MS04-028 PoC

Here is an article on NFC (Near Field Communications), soon to be included in cell phones. It touts low power and high security. I'm thinking we will see another blue rifle....

META Group: Most customer password implementations and policies are ineffective. Like we didn't know that...

So, where is the hacking capital of the world? China, Russia, US? Nope! Click here to find out...

Maryland court rejects e-voting safeguards

Lexar JumpDrive Secure(tm) Password Extraction advisory.


Information on the JPEG Vulnerability in Windows
A JPEG file comment is indicated by a 0xFFFE Value followed by two bytes specifying the length of the comment (max comment size is therefore 65535-2). A Minimum Length of Two is specified in this position. When a value of 0 or 1 is specified a signedness error occurs. The comment length is interpreted as 4GB(-1 or -2) and heap corruption results since all memory (on an IA32 system) is technically allocated. Ouch.

Alpha 2: Zero Tolerance is a Shellcode to ASCII Alphanumeric Converter

Metasploit Framework Article Part III from SecurityFocus

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-028
Buffer Overrun in JPEG Processing (GDI+) Allows for Arbitrary Remote Code Execution. All that this requires is that you get a remote user to load a JPG. This is Classified as "Critical".

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-027
Vulnerability in WordPerfect Converter Could Allow Code Execution (884933)

Telenor shuts down 10,000 PC Botnet

Justice Department Plans to Expand Computer Hacking and Intellectual Piracy (CHIPs) Units from 5 to 13

Caller ID spoofing service for sale


I heard recently that two major WIndows flaws will be announced tomorrow.

Samba smbd ASN.1 Parsing DoS and nmbd DoS. Most ASN.1 Interpreters have severe exploitable flaws due to the complexity of the protocol. Any protocol that allows data to define it's own structure must be constructed (program specifications, error handling) and tested with misuse in mind (fuzzing).

200 Hours Community Service for Hacking a DoE Facility. This is clearly not the example we would like to be setting. Another article. Links from Jim.

Located a site with roughly 55MB of dictionary wordlists. 3y3 W1LL 0wn j00 Webster!


Collective Wisdom by Brian Hayes

Asymmetrical Adversarialism in National Defense Policy, The Marketplace and Personal Privacy by Winn Schwartau

Information Warfare by Winn Schwartau

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