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Netsec, comsec, infosec and IA news, research and trends



Various of the presentations from Usenix 15 are available online. (MP3's, notes and slides)


NIST Special Publications: 800-101 - Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics


The Forensics Wiki has a long list of tools.

Scapel, a child of Foremost.

For anyone needing practice at recovering deleted files, you might want to try various file carving challenges.

The Digital Forensic Research Workshop has posted various slide sets and notes from last month's workshop.

The Forensics Wiki

Wotsit's Format, file format database (for use with Foremost)

Liar, Liar, and pretexting

For all you Rednecks out there, making the unbelievable believable.

OpenSSL Vulnerabilities

UK's worst spammer loses appeal

Another zero-day exploit for MS

Opera: RSA Signature Forgery


Cyber-Crime Becoming More Organized - This trend started years ago and it has taken that long for the press to catch on. Blaming "hackers" is a hard habit for the press to break.

The World of BotNets by Gadi Evron and Alan Solomon

Drivers Licenses Posted Online

The ThreeBallot Voting System by Ronald L. Rivest

Three-year-old buys pink convertible on Internet - from Stephen - This illustrates that although we have not worked out identity too well in the real world, much less the online world, I am fairly sure that this is one issue that may have been detected.

VBulletin 2.X SQL injection Vulnerability


Ipswitch WS_FTP Server Checksum Command Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities

Microsoft releases fast patch for IE flaw

From SecurityFocus:
Hi there,

we're proud to announce the official birth of

this website is dedicated to offer free rainbow tables (based on
a complete set of MD5 tables alpha-numeric - lowercase - up to 8
characters is available for free download

it's just the first project accomplished by various contributors

The FreeRainbowTables Team had developped a (win32) distributed
precomputation tool so if you have some CPUs available, you're invited
to help us in bigger projects!
Just contact the webmaster.

Mirrors are welcome and spreading the tables in bitorrent-like networks

Have a nice crack


Indexes to NSA Publications Declassified and Online

Vancouver airport shutdown blamed on computer glitch

Paller: Government cybersecurity gets an F

Patch the IE Flaw Microsoft

93,754,333 Examples of Data Nonchalance - Since the publication of the New York Times story, the number has increased to 93,804,336. In analyzing the data, one is left to conclude that one day soon, we will all be victims of disclosure.

Uninformed Journal #5 Released


Computer Virus Writers Plan Slow Down

Another ATM vendor has a default password set and publicly available:
Triton Reacts to ATM Hacks (Blog)

Schneier on Security

University Networks and Data Security

Trend Micro launches anti-botnet service

The Mozilla Foundation announces four advisories for Firefox, Thunderbird, and Seamonkey, four of which are critical.


The United States' Attorney General wants to require ISPs to keep their customers Internet access data to make tracking and prosecuting purveyors of child pornography easier.
In his letter to Congress, the AG says, "We respect civil liberties but we have to harmonize this so we can get more information."

Dynamic Decrypting Procedures in Malware by Omar Alejandro Herrera Reyna

HostGator: cPanel Security Hole Exploited in Mass Hack

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