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U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet from Brenda - This fails on the smell test. Authorities already have the power to serve preservation orders, search warrants, national security letters, and subpoenas in such cases. In the case of Facebook, the Stored Communication Act offers plenty of authority. In the case of Skype, the Wiretap Act offers sufficient authority. NSL's are a very powerful tool that does not require judicial oversight / approval and is, in my opinion, already far too much power absent such oversight.

Last minute additions to Antivirus VB2010 - An indepth look into Stuxnet and Unraveling Stuxnet. If anyone gets a copy of the pres or notes, please send them my way!

What's up with Encryption? from Kathy


eEye Revives Free Zero-Day Vulnerability Tracker Site

Five Reasons SIEM Deployments Fail


Iran reports Worm infection at Nuke Plant


Stuxnet Worm May Target Iran's Nuclear Energy Ambitions - from Rich

Text Message Censorship? Maybe if T-Mobile is your carrier. We know texts are not secure but did you know your carrier is reading and filtering them....maybe?


Extending The Law Of War To Cyberspace

Twitter Worm Timeline: Exploit Erased Early, Damage Minimized


[DailyDave] Cisco advisories today RE - Denial of Exploitability Vulnerabilities in Cisco Products: "Cisco released a lot of advisories today with "Denial of Service" in them. Traditionally that means "remotely exploitable" in Cisco-language. Has anyone looked into them? If you're a CSO/IT manager, I assume you're just sitting around hoping no one has owned your SSL VPN device, or VOIP device, or router, right? :>"


Social Engineering Report Shows Corporate America At Risk
Link to Full Report

NC State, IBM Researchers Create 'Stealth' Hypervisor Security Tool


How easy is it to hack a mobile? from Reginald


Hackers Miss Their Target -- By About 2,000 Miles - Whoops


Cybercriminals Creating 57,000 Fake Web Sites Every Week

Dan Geer - "Cybersecurity and National Policy" from the Harvard National Security Journal

DHS Cybersecurity Watchdogs Miss Hundreds of Vulnerabilities on Their Own Network


CFAA Damages Calculation Includes Cost of Tracking Hacker


"Permission to cyber, sir!" - Michale Zalewski's comments on the findings of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Commission on Cybersecurity for the 44th Presidency. More from a Daily Dave Thread on the Topic

A Human Capital Crisis in Cybersecurity - Calls the current certification regime inadequate (agreed) and for the creation of a federated cybersecurity certification effort that includes "a tough educational and monitored practical component" (that's expensive... who will pay for it?). My prediction is that the effort will be inadequate as long as the United States continues to demonize adversarial analysis and offensive security research through legal (DMCA, et al), regulatory, and social frameworks that view hacking as somehow equivalent to criminal activity.

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